of Power
Compiled by Lady Crone
Excerpts from the mystica an online encyclopedia.
A spell - a spoken or written formula
which, in the act of magic or divination, is intended to
or change a particular course of events.
An act of magic that requires a magician,
witch or sorcerer, performing a spell in a ritual. The spell itself consists
of words or incantation (sometimes-called charms or runes). The
ritual is a prescribed set of actions performed while the spell
is being recited. For example, the ancient Egyptians believed words
were so powerful, that speaking them would achieve the desired
Certain words and Names of Power were essential in Egyptian
magic and had to be pronounced correctly and with the proper intonation.
It is thought that the success of
the spell rests on the power and will raised and the skill with
which they are focused and projected. All of these powers go into
spell casting. Things aiding spell casting include words, chants, songs,
movements or dance which may be accompanied by the use of objects
such as ritual tools, effigies, poppets, cords, candles, and nail clippings.
Generally the words of the incantation
used in casting spells are spontaneous and composed to serve the immediate
purpose. Rhyming words or verses help to create rhythm to
boaster the increasing of energy. While many effective spells and charms
may be found in books on witchcraft, folk magic and magic most witches
and magicians believe spells composed from the heart work the best.
know just the recitation of a chant or charm does not cast a spell.
Along with this, many witches and magicians
believe that the words of the incantation are not as important as
their intent. This involves, during ceremonial magic, the focus
intense concentration and will upon achieving the
and believing that it already has been accomplished. When the psychic
power has peaked, it is released and directed toward the goal. A psychic
cleanup ritual finishes the spell casting work; this is to banish any remnants
of psychic energy. The invoked deities and forces of the elements are thanked
(and sent on their way).
Form Marion Weinstein's book Positive Magic:
Occult Self-Help.
Ten basic principles for creating words of
For the good of all: This means for the good
of all including the person working the magic/spell. When we work in perfect
harmony with the universe we work for the good of all involved in the works
we do. What we think is good for someone may be very different from what
they think is good for them or for that matter what we think is good for
us may not be what we need at that particular time. For example, maybe
we need transportation, so we cast a spell. We are thinking "new car",
but instead we are offered to be taken wherever it is we need to go by
a friend, in reality this is the best thing for us at the time because
we simply can afford the responsibility of owning a car.
Free will: Using this qualifier in your words
of power will help eliminate any unintentional manipulative ideas or feelings
from entering the work. In working positive magic we should be mindful
of the free will of all involved. Ones free will may be to not be healed,
or to do something different that what we feel need. To use the example
above, even though we may want a car, the time is not appropriate, so "according
to the free will of all" a friend offers to help with our transportation
and we graciously/thankfully accept the offer.
The universe as a macrocosm: As a macrocosm
the universe is inclusive of all, everything from the smallest particle
to the largest galaxy, every form, every being, every condition, every
thought makes this universe what it is. I once read that a drop of water
is only weak when it is removed from the ocean; replace it and it is as
powerful as the whole ocean. (Spalding, pg. 44, vol. 2.) When we realize
that we are one with the cosmic ocean of life we then begin to realize
the power that we all have.
The universe as a microcosm: Individual beings
and forms are the microcosm universes. As such we are each individual universes
with all the power of the macrocosm, the droplets of ocean water. While
it may seem that we are separate from the macrocosm universe it is but
an illusion of our physical manifestation. When we are fully aware of this
cosmic ocean and our place within it, we are more able to work with it
in a harmonious manner.
The law of cause and effect: This is where our
three-fold law comes from. And the saying "for every action there is an
equal and opposite reaction". The universal law is said to be neutral,
when we work with words of power we are consciously creating a cause, which
most often occurs in the unseen realms of the universe. Then after an appropriate
amount of time an effect occurs, usually as a manifestation in the world
of form, the physical world. The creating of a cause and effect is compared
to the dropping of a stone into water. The ripples of the wake caused by
the stones being dropped vibrate out to the edges of the water then bounce
off its boundaries to return to where they originated. When we consciously
use words and thoughts to create a cause and effect we need to be aware
that they not only have an effect on the intended situation/person/group
they also have a return effect on the person sending them out. "Be ever
mindful of the law of three."
Infinity: Ms. Weinstein refers to infinity as
the concept of non-limitation and sees it as having two main applications.
A.) "Anything can be solved by working magic. There are no limitations
on the potential applications of Words of Power". "No matter what the problem
all are potentially solvable…with Words of Power…." B.) "Always remember
that no matter what the problem may be, there is an Infinity of Solution."
We may not always see or think of all the possible solutions, but we can
use words of power to help us find the most appropriate solution to any
particular problem.
The concept of form and essence: There may be
time that we don't know exactly what it is we want but we know the felling
or essence of what we want. It is at these times that we would work for
the essence of what we want, such as abundance or prosperity. When we work
word of power for essence we need to remember the flexibility of the world
of form that it will manifest in. This is where be careful what you ask
for comes into play. Lets say we work to bring love into our life, a companion,
someone who is tall dark and handsome or tall, fair and beautiful. We add
all the qualifiers for the type of person we want in our life, into the
formless void of the universe the thought and words go…then two weeks later
you get what you asked for but he/she wasn't exactly what you had in mind.
Then there are times we know exactly what it is we want, a car, a gas efficient,
low maintenance, the perfect for me car. This is when use words of power
for a specific form.
Transformation: Change, when we work magic,
cast a spell, say a prayer, or use words of power we bring about a transformation,
a change. We cause an effect to take place. We can change a negative situation
into a positive situation; we can cause the transformation in our lives
and ourselves when we consciously, with intent, put power into the words
we use.
Love: Weinstein states that love "…starts with
self-love…" "a primary function of self-love is an unequivocal acceptance
of the validity of getting what one wants-- of respecting one's needs.
'…. An acceptance of the total responsibility for one's own life, karma
and future -- and the past as well. '…. After self-love is acknowledged,
love for others flows more freely."
The now: "Occult work is done in the present
tense." Weinstein speaks in detail in another chapter of her book of the
concept of simultaneous / sequential time. She reminds us here that "we
are working with the occult concept of simultaneous time: that "All time
is now," that…the…past, present and future is "happening" at once." "Magic
transcends our earthly (linear, sequential) perception of time." When using
words of power we should think in the terms of "Be Here Now" for if "All
time is now," we already have everything we need, it’s just a matter of
realizing and believing it.
An example Words of Power with qualifiers:
There is One
And this Power is
And I (name) is/am
a perfect manifestation of this power.
Therefore, perfect
is mine (hers/his) here and now.
I, (she/he)
hereby release(s) all
negative cause, effects manifestations, forms
and the essence of worry.
Perfect fulfillment
is mine, (hers/his)
Harming none, Helping
For the good of all,
According to the free
will of all,
So mote it be.
The italicized words can be changed to any qualifier
we wish to use such as; perfect abundance, wisdom, love, security, energy,
Some other qualifiers; With perfect ease,
with perfect timing, the perfect car for me which fulfills all my needs,
In perfect love and perfect trust, So be it, so it be.
We can not simply say these words and then
not do anything to help the effect we want to happen, happen. This is not
a passive technique, responsibility is involved, and we must work in accordance
with what we have set in motion.
If words and conduct
are not in accord and not consistent,
they will have no
The I
Ching, Book One, Hexagram 37
If we want a new car and we use words
of power to get it then we need to do the footwork too. We need to look
for the car compare prices and so forth or may enter a lottery or both.
While it is true that there are powerful
words and that the combination of power words can cause powerful results.
Words can not always act by themselves they need the power that
we put into them and behind them, our intent, actions propel the words
we speak and write. When we use positive words of power to bring about
positive change we tend to have more positive experiences.
A word or two of warning;
always be careful what you ask for and how you ask for it , be sure that
you really want and need. There is a reason the elders say "be careful
what you ask for you just might get it." Some of the most important
words in a words of power statement are: Harming none, Helping all, For
the good of all, and According to the free will of all.
3/2001 p. traina
Gwen Thompson's Wiccan Rede
Bide the Wiccan laws ye must in perfect love
and perfect trust.
Live ye shall, and let to live, fairly take
and fairly give.
Cast the circle thrice about to keep unwelcome
spirits out.
To bind the spell every time, let the spell
be spake in rhyme.
Soft of eye, light of touch, speak ye little,
listen much
Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out
the Witches' Rune
Widdershins go by the waning moon, chanting
out the Baneful tune
When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand
to her times two
When the moon rides at her peak, Then your
Heart's Desire seek
Interlude 1: The Moon in her phases and
the tides of the sea.
Heed the North wind's mighty gale, lock
the door and trim the sail
When the wind comes from the South, love
will kiss thee on the mouth
When the wind blows from the West, departed
souls may have no rest
When the wind blows from the East, expect
the new and set the feast
Interlude 2: The Movements of the Earth
and the seasons that will be.
Nine woods in the cauldron go, burn them
fast and burn them slow
Elder be the Lady's tree, burn it not or
cursed ye'll be
When the wheel begins to turn, Let the Beltaine
fires burn
When the wheel hath turned a Yule, light
a log the Horned One rules
Heed ye flower, bush and tree, by the Lady
blessed be
Where the rippling waters flow, cast a stone
and truth ye'll know
When ye have and hold a need, harken not
to others greed
With a fool no season spend, nor be counted
as his friend
Merry meet and merry part, bright the cheeks
and warm the heart
Mind the threefold law ye should, three
times bad and three times good
When misfortune is anow, wear the star upon
thy brow
True in love ye must ever be, lest thy love
be false to thee
Eight words the Wicca Rede fulfill,
'An ye harm none, do what ye will.
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last update ~ 7/2001
7/2001 ~ 3/2002 ã
all graphics and information
by p. traina (aka lady crone)
this ã
does not include 50megs banners or other noted graphics and information